Current carrying capacity PVC-insulated LV cables

according to HD 603 S1, part 3G and HD 627 S1, part 4H

The HD 603 and HD 627 are identical to DIN VDE 0276-603, resp. DIN VDE 0276-627.

If reference is made to these tables for Bayka cables, they apply analogously and not only to the types specifically listed in the tables. (E.g. for products with insulation materials other than PVC, which have at least 70°C maximum conductor temperature, reference can be made to these tables.)
Notes on column selection are shown in [].

This section applies to the current-carrying capacity under both standard and deviating provisions provided that the
cables are in three-phase operation with three conductors loaded or one single-core cable in d.c.-operation.
The rated current-carrying capacity are valid under standard provisions.

General conditions

Temperatures °C (conductor)
Maximum permissible operating temperature +70
Maximum short-circuit temperature for cross sections area ≤300 mm² +160
Maximum short-circuit temperature for cross sections area >300 mm² +140

Concentric conductors bonded at both ends.

Power frequency 50 Hz.

The tabulated rated current-carrying capacities are based on standard provisions such as:
– operating mode
– laying conditions
– environmental conditions

For deviating operating conditions the current-carrying capacities in the tables are to be multiplied by appropriate conversion factors which shall be based on the same calculation method and operating conditions as used for the current-carrying capacity given in this clause.

Current carrying capacity PVC-insulated LV cables

Cables in earth (20°C)

Recommended values according to HD 603 S1, part 3G, table 14

permissible operating temperature 70°C
[copper, without
concentric conductor and braid]
[copper, with
concentric conductor or braid]
[aluminium, without
concentric conductor and braid]
[aluminium, with
concentric conductor or braid]
Number of
1 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3
area in mm²
Copper conductor
Rated current in A
Aluminium conductor
Rated current in A
1,5 41 27 30 27 31
2,5 55 36 39 36 40
4 71 47 50 47 51
6 60 59 62 59 63
10 124 79 83 79 84
16 160 102 107 102 108
25 208 133 138 133 139 160 102 106 103 108
35 250 159 164 160 166 193 123 127 123 129
50 296 188 195 190 196 230 144 151 145 153
70 365 232 238 234 238 283 179 185 180 187
95 438 280 286 280 281 340 215 222 216 223
120 501 318 325 319 315 389 245 253 246 252
150 563 359 365 357 347 436 275 284 276 280
185 639 406 413 402 385 496 313 322 313 314
240 746 473 479 463 432 578 364 375 362 358
300 848 535 541 518 473 656 419 425 415 397
400 957 613 614 579 521 756 484 487 474 441
500 1125 687 693 624 574 873 553 558 528 489
630 1304 777 636 1011 635 539
800 1507 859 1166 716
1000 1715 936 1332 796

*) Rated current for cables in d.c. systems with return conductor far away.

Current carrying capacity PVC-insulated LV cables

Cables in air (30°C)

Recommended values according to HD 603 S1, part 3G, table 15

permissible operating temperature 70°C
[copper, without
concentric conductor and braid]
[copper, with
concentric conductor or braid]
[aluminium, without
concentric conductor and braid]
[aluminium, with
concentric conductor or braid]
Number of
1 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3
area in mm²
Copper conductor
Rated current in A
Aluminium conductor
Rated current in A
1,5 27 19,5 21 19,5 22
2,5 35 25 28 26 29
4 47 34 37 34 39
6 59 43 47 44 49
10 81 59 64 60 67
16 107 79 84 80 89
25 144 106 114 108 119 110 82 87 83 91
35 176 129 139 132 146 135 100 107 101 112
50 214 157 169 160 177 166 119 131 121 137
70 270 199 213 202 221 210 152 166 155 173
95 334 246 264 249 270 259 186 205 189 212
120 389 285 307 289 310 302 216 239 220 247
150 446 326 352 329 350 345 246 273 249 280
185 516 374 406 377 399 401 285 317 287 321
240 618 445 483 443 462 479 338 378 339 374
300 717 511 557 504 519 555 400 437 401 426
400 843 597 646 577 583 653 472 513 468 488
500 994 669 747 626 657 772 539 600 524 556
630 1180 858 744 915 701 628
800 1396 971 1080 809
1000 1620 1078 1258 916

*) Rated current for cables in d.c. systems with return conductor far away.

Current carrying capacity PVC-insulated LV cables

Permissible short-circuit temperatures and rated short-time current densities

Recommended values according to HD 603 S1, part 5G, table 17

Cables with Permissible shortcircuit
in °C
Rated short-time current density in A/mm²
for a rated short-circuit duration of 1 s
Conductor temperature at the beginning of short-circuit in °C
70 60 50 40 30 20
Copper conductors
≤ 300 mm² 160 115 122 129 136 143 150
> 300 mm² 140 103 111 118 126 133 140
Aluminium conductors
≤ 300 mm² 160 76 81 85 90 95 99
> 300 mm² 140 68 73 78 83 88 93

Current carrying capacity multicore cables

Group rating factors for multicore cables with different number of loaded conductors

The following applies to three loaded conductors:
HD 603, part 3, main section G, section V (current carrying capacity) and section VI (appendix), table 14 and table 15 (carrying capacity, cables in earth / in air), both tables column 3 and column 5 for cables with PVC insulation.

Group rating factors for multicore cables with different number of loaded conductors
according to
HD 627 S1, part 4H, table A.1

Number of loaded conductors laying in earth laying in air
5 0,70 0,75
7 0,60 0,65
10 0,50 0,55
14 0,45 0,50
19 0,40 0,45
24 0,35 0,40
40 0,30 0,35
61 0,25 0,30