Current carrying capacity

Bayka DC direct current cables

This section applies to the current-carrying capacity under both standard and deviating provisions provided that the cables are in DC-operation. For multi-core cables the values apply to each DC circuit.

Example graphic DC cable with two circuits:

The rated current-carrying capacity are only valid under standard conditions and are based on measurements.
Diagram current carrying capacity Bayka DC cables

General conditions

Temperatures °C (conductor)
Maximum permissible operating temperature +90
Maximum short-circuit temperature +250

Concentric conductors bonded at both ends.

Power frequency 0 Hz.

The tabulated rated current-carrying capacities are based on standard provisions such as:
– operating mode
– laying conditions
– environmental conditions

For deviating operating conditions the current-carrying capacities in the tables are to be multiplied by appropriate conversion factors which shall be based on the same calculation method and operating conditions as used for the current-carrying capacity given in this clause.

Current carrying capacity Bayka DC cables

Laying in earth (20°C)

  • On smartphones use portrait format or desktop mode

feedIN DC
[copper, without concentric conductor and braid]
feedIN DC,
feedIN DC EMC,
feedIN DC EMC+,
Metro 1000V DC
[copper, with concentric conductor and/or braid]
Number of
1 3/4 3 3/4 3
Copper conductor
Rated current in A
1,5 49 32 34 32 34
2,5 65 41 43 41 44
4 84 53 54 53 56
6 105 66 69 67 70
10 139 88 91 89 93
16 180 115 118 116 120
25 235 149 152 150 154
35 282 178 181 180 183
50 334 211 214 213 216
70 410 260 262 262 263
95 492 313 315 315 312
120 562 357 358 358 350
150 631 402 403 401 386
185 715 455 456 453 428
240 835 530 530 522 481
300 950 600 598 583 527
400 1091 688 680 653 579
500 1258 777 768 708 639
630 1457 864 707
800 1679 958
1000 1916 1049

*) Rated current for cables in DC systems with return conductor far away.

Current carrying capacity Bayka DC cables

Laying in air (30°C)

  • On smartphones use portrait format or desktop mode

feedIN DC
[copper, without concentric conductor and braid]
feedIN DC,
feedIN DC EMC,
feedIN DC EMC+,
Metro 1000V DC

[copper, with concentric conductor and/or braid]
Number of
1 3/4 3 3/4 3
Copper conductor
Rated current in A
1,5 34 25 27 26 28
2,5 44 33 35 34 37
4 58 43 45 44 48
6 74 54 57 55 60
10 101 76 79 77 83
16 134 100 105 103 112
25 181 136 141 139 150
35 222 166 174 169 183
50 272 202 212 206 223
70 344 256 270 261 282
95 425 316 333 322 344
120 497 368 390 373 398
150 571 422 448 426 449
185 662 487 520 492 514
240 793 578 619 579 595
300 924 665 714 659 670
400 1087 780 831 755 751
500 1283 888 964 827 846
630 1523 1110 957
800 1795 1259
1000 2090 1402

*) Rated current for cables in DC systems with return conductor far away.

Current carrying capacity Bayka DC cables

Admissible short-circuit temperatures and rated short-time current densities

Cable with Admissible

Rated short-time current density in A/mm²
for a rated short-circuit duration of 1s
Conductor temperature at the beginning of short-circuit in °C
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20
Copper conductor 250 143 149 154 159 165 170 176 181

Current carrying capacity multicore cables

Group rating factors for multicore cables with different number of loaded conductors.

The current carrying capacity in the tables above apply to cables with 2 or 4 loaded cores.
For higher numbers of loaded cores consider the following group rating factors.
Group rating factors for multicore cables with different number of loaded cores

number of
loaded conductors
in earth
in air
5 0,70 0,75
7 0,60 0,65
10 0,50 0,55
14 0,45 0,50
19 0,40 0,45
24 0,35 0,40
40 0,30 0,35
61 0,25 0,30