Current carrying capacity XLPE-insulated LV cables

according to HD 603 S1, part 5G and HD 627 S1, part 4H

Bayka products
The values given below are applicable to these products:

Column N2XY/N2X2Y [copper, without concentric conductor and braid] (with or without CPR):

Flex Power + Power + Power PUR (no laying in earth)

Column N2XCY/N2XC2Y/N2XCWY/N2XCW2Y [copper, with concentric conductor or braid] (with or without CPR):

EMC PUR (no laying in earth) EMC-UV-Flex Control Flex Power + EMC

Column NA2XY/NA2X2Y [aluminium, without concentric conductor and braid] (with or without CPR):

SolVentus Al

This section applies to the current-carrying capacity under both standard and deviating provisions provided that the
cables are in three-phase operation with three conductors loaded or one single-core cable in d.c.-operation.
The rated current-carrying capacity are valid under standard provisions.

Basic provisions

Temperatures °C (conductor)
Maximum permissible operating temperature +90
Maximum short-circuit temperature +250

Concentric conductors bonded at both ends.

Power frequency 50 Hz.

The tabulated rated current-carrying capacities are based on standard provisions such as:
– operating mode
– laying conditions
– environmental conditions

For deviating operating conditions the current-carrying capacities in the tables are to be multiplied by appropriate conversion factors which shall be based on the same calculation method and operating conditions as used for the current-carrying capacity given in this clause.

Cables in earth (20°C)

Recommended values according to HD 603 S1, part 5G, table 14
permissible operating temperature 90°C

[copper, without
concentric conductor and braid]

[copper, with
concentric conductor or braid]

[aluminium, without
concentric conductor and braid]

[aluminium, with
concentric conductor or braid]
Number of
3 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 3
area in mm²
Copper conductor
Rated current in A
Aluminium conductor
Rated current in A
1,5 33 31 48 33 31
2,5 42 40 63 43 40
4 54 52 82 55 52
6 67 64 102 68 65
10 86 136 91 87
16 115 112 176 117 113
25 148 145 229 150 146 114 112 177 116 113
35 177 174 275 179 176 136 135 212 138 136
50 209 206 326 211 208 162 158 252 164 159
70 256 254 400 257 256 199 196 310 201 197
95 307 305 480 304 307 238 234 372 240 236
120 349 348 548 341 349 272 268 425 272 269
150 393 392 616 377 391 305 300 476 303 302
185 445 444 698 418 442 347 342 541 340 342
240 517 517 815 469 509 404 398 631 387 397
300 583 585 927 514 569 457 457 716 430 454
400 663 671 1064 565 637 525 529 825 479 520
500 749 758 1227 623 691 601 609 952 531 584
630 843 1421 690 687 1102 587
800 935 1638 776 1267
1000 1023 1869 865 1448

*) Rated current for cables in d.c. systems with return conductor far away.

Cables in air (30°C)

Recommended values according to HD 603 S1, part 5G, table 15

permissible operating temperature 90°C

[copper, without
concentric conductor and braid]

[copper, with
concentric conductor or braid]

[aluminium, without
concentric conductor and braid]

[aluminium, with
concentric conductor or braid]
Number of
3 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 3
area in mm²
Copper conductor
Rated current in A
Aluminium conductor
Rated current in A
1,5 26 24 33 27 25
2,5 34 32 43 36 33
4 44 42 57 47 43
6 56 53 72 59 54
10 77 74 99 81 75
16 102 98 131 109 100
25 138 133 177 146 136 106 102 136 112 104
35 170 162 217 179 165 130 126 166 137 128
50 207 197 265 218 201 161 149 205 169 152
70 263 250 336 275 255 204 191 260 214 194
95 325 308 415 336 314 252 234 321 263 239
120 380 359 485 388 364 295 273 376 308 278
150 437 412 557 438 416 339 311 431 349 316
185 507 475 646 501 480 395 360 501 401 365
240 604 564 774 580 565 472 427 600 469 430
300 697 649 901 654 643 547 507 696 535 506
400 811 761 1060 733 737 643 600 821 615 575
500 940 866 1252 825 807 754 695 971 700 682
630 1083 1486 934 882 1151 790
800 1228 1751 1019 1355
1000 1368 2039 1157 1580

*) Rated current for cables in d.c. systems with return conductor far away.

Permissible short-circuit temperatures and rated short-time current densities

Recommended values according to HD 603 S1, part 3G, table17

Cables with Permissible shortcircuit
in °C
Rated short-time current density in A/mm²
for a rated short-circuit duration of 1 s
Conductor temperature at the beginning of short-circuit in °C
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20
Copper conductors 250 143 149 154 159 165 170 176 181
Aluminium conductors 250  94 98 102 105 109 113 116 120

Current carrying capacity multicore cables

Group rating factors for multicore cables with different number of loaded cores

For three loaded cores applies:
HD 603, Part 3, main section G, section V (current carrying capacity) and section VI (annex), table 14 and table 15 (ampacity, cable in earth / in air), in both tables column 3 and column 5 for cables with PVC insulation.


HD 603, part 5, main section G, section V (current carrying capacity) and section VI (annex), table 14 and table 15 (ampacity, cables in earth / in air), in both tables column 3 and column 5 for cables with XLPE insulation.

Group rating factors for multicore cables with different number of loaded cores
according to HD 627 S1, part 4H, table A.1

Group rating factors  for multicore cables with different number of loaded cores
according to
HD 627 S1, part 4H, table A.1

number of
loaded cores
cables in earth
cables in air
5 0,70 0,75
7 0,60 0,65
10 0,50 0,55
14 0,45 0,50
19 0,40 0,45
24 0,35 0,40
40 0,30 0,35
61 0,25 0,30